
Solar Energy

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World’s largest Solar Power Parks

Bhadla Solar Park: Bhadla Solar Park is the largest power plant in the world with a capacity of 2245 MW. This plant is situated in the Jodhpur District of Rajasthan in India. Constructed in an area of 5700 Hectares, this park witnessed the lowest bid of solar power in...

Innovations in the Field of Solar Energy

Solar Energy has made a significant place as an energy resource. Let’s discuss some of the innovations made in this field to make solar energy more effective. Bifacial Solar Panel Solar Panels are the most important factor in Solar energy generation. The efficiency of...

Applications of Solar Energy

We have been told that Solar Energy is in abundance. Solar Energy is providing us Eco friendly and Sustainable solution for our growing needs. Let’s discuss some applications of solar energy in various fields.  Solar Electricity. The most popular application of Solar...

Is Solar the New Future?

We in this world have been talking about Energy security and Sustainable Environment for a decade now. We can see for past few years now Solar Energy making it’s foot print energy sector. So let analyse benefits and limitation for Solar Energy and check if it could...